WaterCooler- Beebe Skidmore

The Watercooler is a 37 unit mixed-used live/work building located at the west edge of downtown Boise, Idaho. Measuring 24,500 s.f. on three floors, the building fills the north and east side of a 200’ x 122’ parcel at the corner of 14th and Idaho Street. Surface parking for cars and bicycles is located at the rear with vehicular access off the alley. 

At the street corner, the Watercooler steps back to create a semi-public park. This privately owned, publicly-accessible space is a contribution to the City of Boise’s master plan transforming 14th into a pedestrian street. A covered breezeway provides a pedestrian connection between the corner park,  parking area, and residential entrances. Seven live/work units with mezzanines open directly to the street, each with a semi-enclosed garden and sitting wall.